Friday, June 4, 2010

Our highlights of this year!

In Vegas with Grandma ana Grandpa!

Me being random!:)

I like this picture.

I think we found a new Hannah Montana!:)

Courtni with her hero Man V.S. food guy!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

About our Life!!!!!!

Holy Cow!!!! Our life has been sooo busy latley. It seems like once you tihnk that it will slow down a little and you will get a break somthing else gets thrown out ya. It is now official that Ashli gets to run this blog, so maybe that might help a little!:) Nolan is still in love with thomas the trian. Courtni is doing piano and is great at it. I am doing track right now!!! YEAH it is about time!!! It was my mother's birthday yesterday, and we got to go to the Young Women Confrence at Salt Lake City! That was really fun! I turn 13 on the 30th of this mounth. We did my birthday party this weekend, and can I get a drum roll please--- I got pink and brown Cowboy boots!!!!:) I Promise that will get pictures on here soon!!! Happy Easter!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

1st Trimester is already though!!

We have already gone though our 1st trimester!!! I got straight A's and was top of my Grade!:) I did Coss Country too, and I loved it! Courtni did awesome to she was right were she should be. She also already got 100 A.R. Points:) and loves her teacher. Nolan is such a smart little boy and will go to pre-school next year.:) My mom has done great at teaching 30 kids!!:) may I say WOW! I can not belive that we are already though with the 1st trimester, but can't wait to go on to the next one! Happy Thankisgiving!!!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

A day with Thomas and the sandbox

Nolan's favorite thing right now is Thomas the tank engine. So we took him to a day out with thomas! And here he is riding on Thomas.

Courtni and Nolan playing in our new sandbox that we got this summer.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The highlight of the end of my East Coast Trip.

We went on an awsome mural tour in Phily.

Me Huging a statue of George Washington ay the United We Stand Musuem.
The New Year ball that they drop On the New Years Eve!

The Liberty Bell.

The Empire State Building.

Washington D.C. Tour

Me and Kearis at the Libray of Congress

Me at the Theodore Rossevelt Center.

Me and Kearis at the Jakson center. ( Sorry I did not notice my hand was up!)

Washington Memorial.

The flag at the Smithsonian.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Whasington D.C. Temple

This is the temple with Jesus in font of it.

Me In fornt of it.

Here i am Again in fornt of it but i Love both of these pics.

the temple.